

Friday, 13 January 2012

Colder than I'd thought!

The Golden Cloud

It was a pristine beautiful morning that I awoke to today. The sky blue, the wind low, the sound of wading birds on the estuary... awesome.

However, what wasn't awesome was the temperature. Clear skys, East Wind, and January don't make for a warm morning.

As I turned over from my slumber I noticed the fog from my breath. Inside the sleeping bag was toasty, inside the boat was 3 degrees.

However colder temperatures were to come. After taking the best part of an hour to get out the sleeping bag, and light the stove, I took my morning stroll to the toilet block. Bloody freezing! Mind you a beautiful view up the valley!

On my return I noticed the thick layer of ice across the ladder, deck and tarp over the boat, perhaps it was colder than I imagined... (turns out it dropped to minus 5 at times last night here.

Never mind hey, worse things happen at sea!

Last night I had a lovely treat, after spending a wasted hour in a lecture with someone half way through a sex change, I headed up to Matt, Fran and Marc's house. Never before has a cup of tea been such a treat! These guys are fantastic at listening to me blabber on about total shite! They made me feel so welcome and are always willing to help! 

While there I set about making my new bike trailer (from ebay) more visible to traffic on the night road. Many thanks to Matt for the addition of his old works Hi Vis. The trailer is a fantastic addition to my repertoire of tools, means I can collect wood, tools, and transport things with ease back to the boat. Making a eco-efficient life more possible.

This evening I had a Fantastic time. First a mini road trip to Aber with Keith and Lloyd to pick up a gas bottle for my cooker, then Keith from uni came over before Keith and Lloyd (from the yard) came over for a bowl of cawl (Welsh lamb stew slow cooked on the woodburner) and 2 bottles of red!

Went down a treat, fantastic night! I have such a good laugh with the my yardmates, its unbelievable. We chatted, drank and ate, from when the sun went down to late at night, I go to sleep every night with a big smile on my face. This big risk of a boat, is increasingly becoming a fantastic experience.

Other big news, dongles arrived! So this is the first blog published direct off the Yacht! Also means I can work from home in bad weather and full internet.. . happy days!!!

Night Night!

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